qPCR Lentivirus Titer Kit

Cat. No.
100 rxn
Cat. No. LV900
Name qPCR Lentivirus Titer Kit
Unit 100 rxn
Category qPCR Virus Titer Kits

The only kit on the market with complete elimination of NTC

abm’s qPCR Lentivirus Titer Kit is a one-step assay which employs a quick RNA extraction step that is followed by RT-qPCR. Designed to deliver high sensitivity and specificity, the kit ensures minimal non-specific background and better overall performance compared to similar kits on the market. ROX reference dye is provided separate from the MasterMix, making this kit universally compatible with most qPCR instruments.

Kit Features:

  • Saves time and eliminates inaccuracy: Quick RNA extraction
  • No NTC amplification: Eliminates non-specific (NTC) signals due to our unique primer design
  • Can be used directly on neat viral particles
  • Reduces variability: Ready-to-use reagent mix
  • RT-qPCR in one step: More sensitive and accurate than other methods
  • Contains dye comparable to SYBR Green™ and EvaGreen™


Product Component Quantity
BlasTaq™ 2X qPCR Titer MasterMix 1.25 ml
Primer Mix 100 rxn (200 µl)
Standard Control DNA 50 µl
Virus Lysis Buffer 800 µl
ROX Reference Dye 15 µl
Nuclease-Free H2O 2 x 1.0 ml


Customer Testimonials

"I recently received one of your qPCR Lentivirus Titration Kits and I think it is a wonderful product. The protocol is simple, fast, and accurate. I also really appreciate that there is an online titer calculator accompanying the kit on your website. The kit is allowing me to produce my own lentivirus, which is cheaper and more customizable."

- Kelly Taylor, Medical University of South Carolina


"We like the qPCR Lentivirus Titration(Titer) Kit. It is very easy to use and the titration can be completed in a short time."

- Ying Liu, University of Texas Health Science Center Houston


"We have been using Lentivirus qPCR kit to check our viruses for those viruses without reporter genes for a few years. The kit is very easy to use. We love it."

- Xinping Huang, Emory University


"I tested LV900 with the dilution that you suggested and also compared it to another method that measures the functional titer counting the viral integrations in the genome of HEK cells. Diluting the viral lysate solved my problems and improved my results. Now, I decided to use the kit for my future lentiviral titration. Thank you very much for your help and the great service!"

- Anna Schnaubelt, University Hospital Heidelberg


ISO 13485:2016 MDSAP Certified

ISO 13485:2016 MDSAP Certified
Our PCR Products are manufactured under a Quality Management System conforming with ISO 13485:2016 as certified by Intertek (a MDSAP recognized auditing organization).


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Storage Condition

Store at -20°C. This product is stable for 2 year from the date of shipping if stored and handled properly. 


qPCR Lentivirus Titer Kit comes with a separate vial of ROX Reference Dye which can be added depending on the qPCR machine type, as listed in the table below.

High ROX Machines
  • ABI ® 7000, 7300, 7700, 7900, 7900HT, StepOnePlus™, StepOne™, OpenArray, PRISM™ Sequencing Detection Series
  • Biometra TOptical
  • Fluidigm BioMark™
  • Wafergene SmartChip System
  • TianLong TL998 System
Low ROX Machines
  • ABI® 7500, 7500 Fast, Viia™ 7, QuantStudio, QuantStudio 3/5/6/7
  • BioGene InSyte™
  • Illumina Eco
  • Analytikjena qTower Series
  • Stratagene® Mx3000, Mx3005, Mx4000
No ROX machines
  • BioRad® CFX96, CFX384, Chromo4™, CFX Connect™, Opticon 2, MiniOpticon™
  • Roche LightCycler® (480, 1536, Nano)
  • MJ Research Opticon™, Opticon™ 2, Chromo® 4
  • Eppendorf™ Realplex 4
  • BioGene SynChron™
  • Corbett Rotor-gene® (3000, 6200, 62H0, 6500, 65H0, 6600)
  • Eppendorf Mastercycler® realplex (s, 4 , 4s), Pro (S, 384), Nexus (gradient, eco, flat)
  • Cepheid SmartCyler, GeneXpert
  • Enigma™ ML
  • Idaho LightScanner® (24, 32), RapidCycler®2, R.A.P.I.D (LT, LT Food), RAZOR EX, JBAIDS
  • Qiagen Rotor-Gene™ (Q, 6000)
  • Takara Dice™
  • Thermo Scientific PikoReal
  • DNA-Technology DT96, DTlite, DT-322
  • Bioer LineGene (3310/3320, K FQD-48A, I, II, 9620, 9640, 9660, 9680)
  • Bioneer Exicycler™
Material Citation If use of this material results in a scientific publication, please cite the material in the following manner: Applied Biological Materials Inc, Cat. No. LV900
  • Bushnell, G. G., Rao, S. S., Hartfield, R. M., Zhang, Y., Oakes, R. S., Jeruss, J. S., & Shea, L. D. "Microporous scaffolds loaded with immunomodulatory lentivirus to study the contribution of immune cell populations to tumor cell recruitment in vivo" Biotechnology and bioengineering. : (2019).
  • Johnson, J. O., Chia, R., Brown Jr, R. H., & Landers, J. E. "Mutations in the SPTLC1 gene are a cause of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis that may be amenable to serine supplementation" : (2019).
  • Keshwara, R., Hagen, K. R., Abreu-Mota, T., Papaneri, A. B., Liu, D., Wirblich, C., … Schnell, M. J. "A Recombinant Rabies Virus Expressing the Marburg Virus Glycoprotein Is Dependent upon Antibody-Mediated Cellular Cytotoxicity for Protection against Marburg Virus Disease in a Murine Model" Journal of Virology 93(6): (2018). DOI: 10.1128/jvi.01865-18.
  • Long, K. L. P.. "The role of oligodendrocytes and myelin in differential susceptibility to stress-induced anxiety (Doctoral Thesis)" University of California Berkeley:United States (2018).
  • Rahal, O. M., Nie, L., Chan, L. C., Li, C. W., Hsu, Y. H., Hsu, J., ... & Hung, M. C. "Selective expression of constitutively active pro-apoptotic protein BikDD gene in primary mammary tumors inhibits tumor growth and reduces tumor initiating cells"  American journal of cancer research  5(12):3624 (2015).
  • Schatoff, E. M., Zafra, M. P., & Dow, L. E. "Base editing the mammalian genome" Methods 164–165:100–108 (2019). DOI: 10.1016/j.ymeth.2019.02.022.
  • Scheben, A., Wolter, F., Batley, J., Puchta, H., & Edwards, D. "Towards CRISPR/Cas crops - bringing together genomics and genome editing" New Phytologist 216(3):682–698 (2017). DOI: 10.1111/nph.14702.
  • Tsai, . "U" S. Patent Application No.0015473 A1 : (2019).
This product has no review yet.
Controls and Related Product:

1.0 ml

1.0 ml

1.0 ml

100 preparations

1.0 ml

80,000 U (200 μl)

4 x 1.25 ml

20 Reactions